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This is a 1901 Parker Red Giant eyedropper-fill in Cardinal Hard Rubber. The first I have ever seen without any cap cracks and with all parts intact! Described by Parker in 1908 as follows: “It’s so big and startling we will guarantee a broad smile from You when You see it. It is made entirely of maroon rubber, fitted with a No. 10 pen, and the price will be $10. We will be ready to …
This is a 1930 Parker Lucky Curve BF Desk Set. 2.25″ octagonal black glass. GF metal, width of one side, from top to bottom, with trumpet in the middle. GFT. Black Hard Rubber pen with Yellow taper. New-old-stock. Mint in wonderful form-fitted brown Bakelite box. Check out our Catalog to view this item’s availability! Item #66 in Catalog #85.
This is a 1950 Parker 45 “Whitefriars” convertible Ballpen/Fountain Pen Desk Set. 6″ round, deep Blue glass ashtray, easily used for paperclips, rubber bands, etc. Comes with Parker 45 Pen and Ballpen. One barrel, one tapered barrel, one cap. User can put either the fountain pen or the ballpen into the trumpet, and use the cap and regular barrel on the other. Magnetic trumpet in the center, still with original chalk marks. Fine nib. New-old-stock. Mint …
This is a 1934 Parker Parkette Desk Set LF. 3.5″ x 4″ Onyx base with bezel around the top edge and inset corners. Black trumpet. Pen is Silver Pearl Marble with Red Veins and Black taper. Fine nib. Base and pen are both new-old-stock, mint. Base in form-filled box. Check out our Catalog to view this item’s availability! Item #64 in Catalog #85.
This is a 1923 Parker Duofold Sr. BF Desk Set in Black Glass 6″ x 4″. Has groove in front for pen rest. Black Hard Rubber Trumpet. Red Hard Rubber pen with rare “medium” size imprint (second year of production). Desk base, new-old-stock. Mint in form fitted box. Pen with some imprint wear (fully readable). Check out our Catalog to view this item’s availability! Item #63 in Catalog #85.
This is a 1960 Parker Ball Pen Desk Set in “Cold Steel.” 4″ round with 6 equally spaced “teeth” around the circumference. Top of base imprinted “Cold Extrusion by Verson.” Verson, founded in 1910, built machine tools and sheet metal presses in Chicago, some weighing thousands of tons and as high as a three-story building. Bought by Allied Products in the 1980’s (Wikipedia). Black trumpet factory signed “PARKER” and black ball pen. New-old-stock. Mint in …
This is a 1930 Parker Lucky Curve BF Desk Set. 2.5″ x 4″ in gold washed metal with convex rounded corners and beveled floral edge. Top of base with rectangular green enamel encircling a floral motif on a white background. Black pen with Coral Moire taper, highlighting the color of the floral design. Medium/fine, extra-flexible nib. New-old-stock. Mint in form fitted box, covered with geometric swirls. UPDATE: SOLD. Item #61 in Catalog #85.
This is a 1947 Parker 51 Vacumatic-fill in Nassau Green with 14K “Scalloped” (Barley) cap. Very rare color and a rare cap! Medium nib. Near mint, with deep and crisp barrel imprint. Item #10 in Catalog #85.
This is a 1956 Parker 61 Prototype “Wick-fill” in Black with ORANGE SHELL. Brushed Lustraloy (stainless steel) cap with GF clip and barrel tassie (the cap design is unique to 61 prototypes). Inlaid in the barrel tassie is a stainless steel mesh screen. The barrel end is put into the ink and the wick draws ink into the barrel through the screen. Hooded nib (fine), no arrow in the shell. Medium/fine nib. New-old-stock. Mint. Item #223 in …