On Point With GoPens #5

On Point

Why do you sell storage/display cases, slotter boxes, and slotted display trays? What is the point of these?

A lot of people use cases with elastic loops to store their pens,which can work really well. If you want an option that will not have a snug elastic loop against the barrels/clips of the delicate pens in your collection, the combination of these items is something to consider. They provide an attractive, tidy way to display your collection and have all your pens accessible when you want them, but they also protect your pens by keeping them from bumping into each other, or other things from bumping into them.

If you are interested in purchasing any, check out the storage/display cases, slotter boxes, and slotted display trays. We have individual blog posts on the slotter boxes and slotted display trays.

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