12″ x 16″ Slotted Display Trays

Tray shown full size (24 slots). Available Colors: Black, Tan, Red, Green, Burgundy, Blue, Grey (the most neutral color). Easily cut to your size with a scissors.

Tray Liners shown in linotype cabinet drawer. Rows are separated by 1″ “L” shaped wallpaper edging — found in most good hardware, paint and wallpaper stores. Easily cut with scissors.

12 1/8″ x 16 3/8″ Display Tray


1-10 $8.00 each
11-49 $7.50 each
50+ $7.00 each

We are sold out of Tan. The supplier of the material has discontinued the color due to Covid, so we don’t know when or if we will have it again. Thank you for selecting an alternate color. Like the Tan, Grey is a very neutral color, while Green is historically traditional for pen display.

12 1/8" x 16 3/8" Display Tray

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