The “Capless,” a name the Pilot Corporation penned in 1961, continues to this day. The first models operated like a twist-activated ball pen. A second mechanism was introduced in 1964 which works like a button-activated ball pen, first made for students, and completely replacing the twist-operated mechanism by 1967. For a year or so around 1968 there was even a gravity model operated by sliding the clip downwards. From around 1994 to 1999 these were labeled “Namiki” instead of “Pilot” (the exception is the “Raden” model). The “Capless” was renamed “Vanishing Point” around 1973. These are all cartridge/converter-fill pens, with different proprietary cartridges and converters used through the years. All but the most modern cartridges are almost impossible to find, with the older model converters almost as hard.